Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Local food

Hi, can anyone tell me, is it easy to find local food, like Hawker centres etc...and what is the average cost? We are coming out in May, but I want to eat authentic Malay food, not the food I get here in UK! Also, will we find any good local places along the beaches to eat as we will spend quite a bit of time there! Also... can anyone tell me how I should dress there and on the beach, I%26#39;m a bit confused with info I%26#39;ve found so far. What is acceptable, and what is not?

Local food


Regarding beachwear - topless sunbathing is a total no no but a bikini is acceptable as long as you cover up to walk around the streets, shorts and strappy t-shirts are fine for this but not for visiting mosques. Public displays of affection are also frowned upon. The local Malays will not say anything but will find it very embarrassing.

Where are you thinking of staying? There are lots of places along the beach in Pantai Cenang where you can eat. The one or two hawker centres though are nothing like you find in Singapore. Depending on what and where you eat you can probably get a good meal for around GBP5 each.

Hope this helps.


Local food

Thanks. Yes that does help. If we are eating at more local places, do we, or should I say, I (as the female) need to cover up? My clothes consist mostly of dresses, just above or on the knee, and with stappy tops... so bare shoulders..is this going to offend the locals? We are thinking of staying at Pondok Keladi, I%26#39;m not sure where that is, but I believe about 1km from Pantai Cenang.


Strappy tops and skirts are fine for visiting restaurants.


Thank you Lesley. So much conflicting info, and I%26#39;m quite a worrier! Have you any idea what the weather may be like in May... I know that weather is totally unpredictable... but do you think we will get sunshine, mostly... I don%26#39;t mind some warm rain(!) but couldn%26#39;t face cloud day after day, like here!



Whatever the weather it will still be very hot and humid. Even if the sky is overcast you can still get quite badly burnt if you are not careful! Hopefully the sun will shine all the time for you


Dear Lovegrenada,

it shows a sensible mind asking about the dresscode in a muslim country, I appreciate this. Lesely has given you the right advices that I can only support.

Re the food:

Do not miss out Orchid Ria, The Wonderland and the Curry House in Kuah, Fishfarm in Kilim River and plenty more. It is easy to find cheap and delicious places. Breakfast and lunch are normally served in a bufett style which makes it easy to choose from although it often is less than warm. You can%26#39;t eat more than the equivalent of about 10 Ringgit per head!

Typical breakfast is Nasi Lemak with dried small anchovies, served in banana leaf I love it!

The nightmarkets are a good chance to taste some local dishes. (Although I admit that I am not a big fan of that myself as it is most deepfried stuff).

Last but not least is the wetmarket in Kuah. A filthy place but I sometimes go there - no tourist, guaranteed!


Thanks Eva... very informative. I will try all your suggestions. I already read about Wonderland and had that as a definate place to eat!

I do feel that when visiting a country, I should respect the people... and I also want to get some idea of how the locals live.... I don%26#39;t want to be an ignorant tourist! I was born here in UK and have always lived here, but my dad is Eurasian, from Singapore, so I am familiar with some Malay food... and a few words (Makan, of course, the most important!)... however, I have only had the authentic food back in 1984, when I last had a holiday to Singapore.

Dear Lovegreanda,

as Langkawi is a multiculurerous and multireligious island, you will find all sorts of food but to be honest, Penang is better to experience the local food. Never the less, I think you will be fine by the options we can offer you.

Going to The Wonderland: you sit on plastic chairs, you eat from pink !! plastic plates and you have to bring your own wine as they only have a license to serve beer. They provide glasses and ice though. The food is yummy, increadelby cheap and a lot of locals and expatriats go there. Try the chillie and or black pepper crabs - I never eat them anywhere else!

Have a great time and come back for any other question!


The Wonderland sounds perfect to me Eva!


As a Malaysian I wish to thank you for your sensitivity towards our culture.

And yes..try the nasi lemak, they are just yummilicious !! do try as well roti canai and teh tarik for breakfast...heavenly !!!

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