Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mulu caves or Niah caves which one is better?

We are considering going to the Mulu show caves

or the Niah caves.

What are people%26#39;s opion? Which one is better to do?

Anyone done the forest canopy walk at Mulu park?

Is it nice?

Mulu caves or Niah caves which one is better?

Hi Barbie_girl_Texas,

It all depends on your interest

1)Mulu :caves,bat ,trekking,kayaking ,fresh water swimming at clear water ,pinnacles etc much much more organised

not so easily acccssible,flight or boat

2)Niah:caves and bird nest %26gt;%26gt;by car



Mulu caves or Niah caves which one is better?

I spent most of December and early January in Sarawak...these are my thoughts extracted from my trip report -

MULU National Park

I was in Mulu NP for 4 nights between Christmas and New Year - this included a weekend.

Mulu NP is NOT what it appears to be in the %26#39;marketing%26#39; blurb.

If you are planning on doing Pinnacles or headhunters - GO FOR IT.

The rest is more like a formal park - lots of nice wooden walkways and concrete footpaths.

The Caves are FANTASTIC. The bats are interesting, but the evening flight is disappointing.

Little wildlife to be seen other than the odd lizard, spider or scorpion.

The best walk we did was 6.5k to Clearwater Cave via Moonmilk %26amp; Wind Caves. Take LOTS of water as there are LOTS of steps…they say 425….they mean the concrete ones – they do not include the wooden steps – plus the fact that what goes up, must come down. We estimate that there are close to 1000 steps in total. Some are slippery – watch your footing. You can swim in the river at Clearwater – nice and cool as the river has just left and underwater cave. Boat back (if you can’t face the steps) will cost rm15 pax – but you have to ask around and hope they have room.

Forget the %26#39;waterfall%26#39; - a stream coming out of the rocks.

For most things in Mulu, you have to pay and pay.

Most of the guides are not so hot on providing information - the %26#39;night walk%26#39; was a waste of time with a guide - my son found more bugs then he did.

Being next to the Royal Mulu Resort means lots of very touristy types - Japanese with very big cameras and squeaky clean Europeans in safari type suits.

The evening we saw the bats fly, there must have been about 120 people - of those, most where package tourists.

Knowing what I know now, I would have chosen Niah Caves and the Bario Highlands area instead. Both are accessed from Miri.

An AC room at the Park headquarters is rm165 per night - this includes tea/coffee, towels and breakfast. Meals cost rm15 on average.

Water is expensive – a big bottle (1.5l) is rm6

Good food and beer can be found across the bridge in Joules Canteen. Beer is RM8 for a can of Tiger. Meals again cost RM15, but if you order Nasi Gorang or Mee Gorang this is only rm6.

My full trip report is here.....


We did both Mulu and Niah last August.

We had been to Mulu before but this was a first time to Niah.

If I had to choose one, Mulu would just edge it, but both are worth seeing for different reasons. The formations inside the Mulu caves are spectacular and are well lit. The nightly bat exodus is worth seeing since you%26#39;re not likely to see anything like it again.

However, Mulu is quite touristy and busy, but you may consider that a plus. Our guide was pretty poor on this trip.

When we were in Niah, we saw very few other people. There is a good plankwalk (about one and half miles)through the jungle to the entrance to Niah. That was a nice stroll and we saw lots of stange insect life. Once inside the caves there is a very long (3 miles ?), up and down and slippery plankwalk/steps that I would not recommend for anyone who isnt used to a reasonable walk. I%26#39;m 60+ and I found it a bit of a struggle, but thats probably because I spend all day at desk normally. Niah is famous for the cave paintings (at the far end of the plankwalk), which you can%26#39;t get very close too but having said that, they are unique and it is a nice energetic day out if thats your thing. If you go to Niah, make sure you take enough water for the return walk.

Thanks for the info.

I think we may try Mulu.

If time then Niah.

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