Hi, would like to know if the money changer in LCCT kuala lumpur is good rate compare to langkawi and the city? I%26#39;ll be going to langkawi and back to kuala lumpur.
thank you
money changer
plenty of choice in money changers they are every where we took some with us and changed travellers cheques when we got there aviod airports tho the dont give as good rate . dont rely on your debit credit card tho ours were blocked the first time we used them as there has been so much card fraud !! so check with your bank/card provider before you leave have fun its a great country !!
money changer
Sorry about that tedafloat.
The general advice from this site has always been:
Always let all the banks that you are taking cards for know where you are going and for how long
Always take a contact phone number in case the computer still blocks the card (the computer may still overide any notes on your account)
Never ever let your cards out of your sight when making a purchase
Do not use cards in less reputable shops or premises
Make sure that you have an idea what scamming devices look like at ATMs or at hotels and shops
This rules usually work
Rates are usually better in KL City than LCCT or Langkawi.
your always slightly better off not useing the airport exchanges there is plenty to choose from in KL hav%26#39;nt used any in langkawi but im sure they will have better rates. enjoy your trip, oh , and dont forget to check with your cash/credit card provider as in the uk your card might be blocked as a safety concern over card fraud .
where can i buy traveller cheques from?
im in the Uk travelling to Kuala Lumpur
and how does it all work?
you can get travellers cheques from your bank ,we use our bank for travellers cheques and buy our money from marks and spencers , if you use your debit/credit card to buy your money remember to take your passport for id , you wont need it if your buying with cash.i would suggest taking some cash to start you off and travellers cheques sign them when you get them , no body can use them but you, and they are easily replaced if stolen [ keep a note of the cheque numbers ] enjoy your trip !
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