Sunday, April 15, 2012

Beware...thieves at Tanjung Rhu beach.

My friends have just returned from Tanjung Rhu beach where they went for a swim and had over RM2000 stolen.The area to be careful at is the small stretch where the trees are...This was just after they had been to the airport to change money.

Other people who have been there have had the same occur so I give tourists this information as many go for the lovely beach and water.It is still a lovely place but just be extra careful with your belongings.

Don%26#39; leave things unattended there....unless your want to ruin your holiday.

Beware...thieves at Tanjung Rhu beach.

Was this from the public area of the beach, on the left or the right, as the whole area has trees?

Most tourists will not carry that amount of money, and will have valuablies locked in the safe in their room.

I know when we stayed at the Tanjung Rhu we never tool valuables with us on to the beach. Whilst we had our camera with us, this was put with friends if we went for a walk.

Beware...thieves at Tanjung Rhu beach.


Sorry to hear about this. I always think of Langkawi as being such a safe place.

The only thing that tried to steal my bag on the beach was a cheeky macque! Had a bit of a stand off with him.

Thanks for the warning thought. I will take extra care in future.


where you turn to the right so you start going down the estuary (public area) there are trees for shade but also a lot of bushes so these guys hide out there waiting for tourists to go swimminng.

Have heard of a few people getting robbed there so better to be more alert in this area.

Have noticed bike tracks behind the beach also so here it is easier to make a getaway..I hop e the culprits are caught but better still now it has been brought to light tourists will not get preyed on any more.

thankyou for your comments...

I can%26#39;t blame anyone but the person who brought RM 2000 to swim with him... how did he do that?? Brought 40 * RM 500 notes or 200 pieces of RM 100 and expect no one to notice the ';bulge'; in his pocket? Honestly, there are plenty of hotels that offer free safe deposit boxes; they could have just walked up to the reception at Tanjung Rhu Resort and the people there would have been glad to lend them the reception deposit box for a few hours. I never had problems there before; I go there frequently for nasi gorengs at the two stalls and the motorcyclists never kacaued me; I actually find the locals there pretty friendly. But then again; I never carry RM 2000 in my bikini....that one is really salah sendiri la...

-- meant to say 4*RM500 or 20*100 RM..

It may have been unwise to carry this amount but they had just changed at the airport.

I am not defending their lack of security but highlighting the theft problem along the beach there.

Also as there have been a few breakins at mat salleh houses recently this type of crime needs something doing about....did u read the article about all the drugs on an abandoned boat at Tuba?No one was arrested!

Langkawi has a problem that needs more doing about.The police seem to sit back and just write up reports.always in low season there is more crime and breakins...2 I know of in the last week.Kedawang and Ulu Melaka.

Any results....NO

I don%26#39;t know if it is the same couple that had been robbed just about 2 weeks back in that area. They told me that they have been ';alone'; on that beach. The robbers must have robbed towards them as they have not seen anybody walking the beach.

Be careful! Hope the police will take action.


We returned from Tanjung Rhu Resort last Monday and I walked daily down to the estuary end of the beach, beyond the public beach, and also in the other direction towards Four Seasons. Saw 2 men in the trees one day and they said something to me so just turned round and went back to the very safe and secure TRR private beach, where security guards keep an eye on everything, including those who stray from the public beach and occasionally wander into TRR. Similarly, at the 4 Seasons end, I saw a man with a motor scooter in the trees, so again I just turned round and walked back to TRR. Frankly, anyone who takes money onto the beach or valuables IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD is asking for trouble. I heard of nobody suffering any theft of any sort whilst we were at TRR for 2 weeks. There are safes in all the rooms, and reception have a safety deposit box.

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